like never before
same day discharge
function with No sexual side effects
promising treatment for BPH
The UroLift Systems is a minimally invasive procedure to traet an enlarged prostate. It is a proven option for patients looking for an alternative to medications of major Surgery
If the UroLift System is right for you , your urologist will provide you with detailed information relating to the procedure.
Prostate Cure - Rezūm
During each 9-second treatment, sterile water vapour is released throughout the targeted prostate tissue. When the steam turns back into water, all the stored energy is released, causing the cells to die.
Over time, your body’s natural healing response removes the dead cells, shrinking the prostate. With the extra tissue removed, the urethra opens, reducing BPH symptoms.
About Dr.
Dr. Priyaddarshi Ranjan
Dr. Priyaddarshi Ranjan is one of the globally recognised and internationally acclaimed Urologists in India for prostate disease. His landmark paper on “Diet and BPH” has achieved remarkable citations in the world, which serves as an international reference research paper for treatment of Benign prostate Hyperplasia (BPH). He is trained in Robotic surgery for the prostate cancer and has an experience of conducting more than several hundreds of procedures such as TURP and Laser prostatectomy. Dr. Ranjan is one of the pioneering surgeons in India officially trained to conduct Urolift Procedure in BPH patients from NHS, Birmingham.
His over two decades of work experience in urology combines the topmost government and private hospitals of India, namely PGI Chandigarh and Sanjay Gandhi PGI Lucknow, as a faculty and Fortis Hospital Mohali where he served as the Director of Urology and Renal Transplant services for more than a decade, prior to establishing his own exclusive center for prostate diseases. He has trained several doctors in Urology and is a specialist Endo urologist and Robotic surgeon and has been managing prostatic diseases for over two decades. The exclusive and dedicated Prostate cure center was conceptualised with a vision to provide the highest levels of comprehensive expertise for the two commonest diseases of prostate – Prostate Cancer and BPH.
Prostate Cure Centre of Excellence
Benign Prostate Hyperplasia (BPH)
Prostate Cancer
10 million
Men in India suffer from Benign Prostate Hyperplasia.
Prostate Cancer
Is the second most frequently diagnosed Cancer.
In India
There is an increasing trend in the incidence of prostate cancer.
Internatinal Prostate Symptom
Score (IPSS)
Find your prostate symptoms score now Click here
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About prostate Cure
If you don’t know what your prostate is or what it does, you’re certainly not alone. Most men don’t, but you really should. More than 30 million men suffer from prostate conditions that negatively affect their quality of life.
Over 50% of men in their 60s and as many as 90% in their 70s or older have symptoms of an enlarged prostate or benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).
Each year approximately 220,000 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer and about 30,000 will die of it.
Latest News & Update
June 17, 2023
UroLift: Revolutionising the treatment of benign prostate hyperplasia
In the rapidly evolving medical science, researches & surgeons are now more focused developing therapies & treatment